About David

Hey there! I’m David and this is My Old Dad Diary. Having worked as a mechanic for over 20 years, I will be downing tools to enter an exciting new world. I will be a stay at home dad.

I already have two older children from a previous relationship, but I took the typical role of going straight back to work after they were born and being the main bread winner for the household. This means missing out on a lot of development and growth and those early, never to get back, moments.

This time around I will have the amazing opportunity to be the parent who gets to stay at home and witness those early years.

Even thought it is becoming more acceptable in the UK to be a stay at home father, it still isn’t mainstream. I hope my blog not only offers me a chance to capture these moments for all of my children, but to offer other dads an opportunity to see what it is truly like. And all the ups and downs that come along with it.