Learning her sounds

One of the joys of a newborn is learning the sounds they are making and trying to understand what they mean.

Maybe she is hungry, needs a nappy change, wants a cuddle. As always, as soon as she starts to grumble I run through the checklist of what could be wrong. Usually, its one of those and she will settle.

It can be quite stressful when your little one is crying. My advice is to run through the following check list:

  • Do they need a feed?

  • Is their nappy wet? (wet can be more irritating than dirty)

  • Are they tired? When did they last sleep?

  • Do they want some affection?

Usually I find its one of the above. If they still wont settle try some movement – little bounces, walking around, a little trip in their pram. And don’t forget – if you’re getting stressed, put them down somewhere safe and walk away. Take some breaths and calm down. Its always okay to ask for some help.

When putting Lily down for one of her naps, we heard a great sound – snoring! For a very little person, she can make quite a noise! Check out the video below.


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