Chilling Adventures: Embracing the Icy Brew
I tried my first real coffee at the age of 37…..and now i’m hooked.
First things first, I’m no hipster with a cool moustache, trendy shoes or face you see giving you a pretentious look as you order “ just an ice latte, cheers mate”.
A little off topic, but I was clearing some old photos off an SD card and happened upon this one I took after our first bike ride in Canada. We’d stopped off at a Starbucks in Whistler and I ordered one of those fancy looking cold brews. It was delicious.
As someone that does not really drink hot drinks, coffee has always been a hard no for me. Up until this point I’m sure I could be quoted as saying “I’d rather have a cup of hot mud than that over price muck!”
However there I was, in a new relationship, in a new country it was defiantly time to keep trying new things. Having never stepped foot in a Starbucks before and with snow all around me, a Cold brew was the first of what now has been oh so many.
I must admit, the first sip was an eye-opener. Gone was the scalding heat that I so despised; instead, a pleasantly smooth and refreshing flavour washed over my taste buds. It was as if I had stumbled upon a secret treasure hidden within walls of this dark coffee house. As the cool liquid trickled down my throat, I felt an unexpected rejuvenation that was most unexpected on a chilly Canadian afternoon.
After that eye opening first, I must have had at least 20 different cold coffees in that 16 day epic north American adventure. Since being back now over a year it’s safe to say I have spent a small fortune experimenting, sampling and enjoying all sorts of cold coffee. I am however sad to report that Starbucks cold brew in the UK is just not as good as state side, come on guys. SORT IT OUT!!
Am I alone in trying coffee so old? Does it make me odd as so many of my friends suggest? Let me know in the comments, and have you tired anything new later in life than everyone else?